Getting rid of debt
Originally posted on Medium.
I’m not talking about financial debt. I’m talking about this subconscious feeling we have towards certain people in our lives. That classic but deadly feeling like we owe someone something. Something we can’t physically hold in our hands but this unconscious weight of not enough. This ‘enough’ ranges anywhere from a lack of material abundance to a lack of self-worth. Whatever it is, we’re a slave to it. A motivation to prove external forces wrong. A drive to receive outside validation and approval. An underlying effort to make others happy. It’s all very non-existent but the hard truth is, our brains are so good at turning nothing into a problem.
But for what? Why do we do this? Why do we care what others think? Why do we feel so small inside if we don’t meet this fabricated societal expectation/deadline/measurement of success? Who fucking knows but it needs to stop — the worrying about judgment from others and the unfair judgment of ourselves. We all have our unique path/plight in life so why is there only one standard? We need to remember this and ignore that imaginary pressure put on us. This aligns with Mark Manson’s principle of not giving a fuck. There is so much noise out there. Don’t forget, the loudest and most effective noises come from those closest to us, so be extra badass and carry on.
“You have to confirm to yourself, not anybody else, confirm to yourself that you’re the best, period.”
— Kendrick Lamar, Beats 1 Interview 2017
Moving forward, stop giving a fuck. Ultimately, we know what’s best for ourselves. And yet we continue to look outside of ourselves to find answers. It’s time to listen to our own voice and know our value. Trust ourselves even if everyone and everything around us says otherwise. (Pssst, I think this is what they mean by ‘following your heart/gut’).
Be mindful! It’s absolutely crucial we’re aware of our behaviour and belief. We do not owe anybody shit. Remember that. All you have to do is make yourself proud. Everybody else is secondary. Know your worth and always remember to love yourself. That way, the next time someone tries to make you feel remotely insignificant, you can laugh it off and be totally unaffected by their negative vibes — their silly, ignorant, critical attitude and none-of-their-business expectations that don’t actually exist. It’s like that saying—fuck the haters and keep doing you. As long as you believe in yourself, nobody can bring you down because you are making yourself happy. Always see yourself through your own eyes; that’s all that matters. The way we see life or see ourselves creates the experiences we have.
What I’m getting at is, you can’t be in debt if you’re rich on the inside.