Repeat After Me
Image Description: Cropped portrait photo of Kae from the nose down to her waist. She is wearing a red sheer bra, black dress pants and a black blazer draped over her shoulders, with one arm covering her breasts as she’s loosely reaching the opposite side of the blazer with her right hand. June 2021.
The relationship with self + body is a tumultuous journey when you’ve been dealt adverse cards in life. I’ve had to revisit what I mean to myself many times over; I’ve had to relearn how to experience the beauty of my spirit and make home within my bones. My vessel is constantly changing beyond control and instead of focusing on the fearful aspects of my diagnosis, I consciously choose to take ownership of my soul-needs.
Fighting for my life means more than just in the 3D—it also means tending to the simmering, sensual, creative energy pulsating deeply within; I make love to my entire being through awareness and gratitude. I’ll often ask myself, how intensely do I want to exist? How fully do I want to feel? How much play, joy, and love can I experience in each moment? It begins with mindset, exploring our own depths, and releasing anything that’s no longer in resonance with our spirit.
You can choose to linger in somber or rise up in love + adventure. For me, I want to keep dancing with divine life itself. I want to feel alive because I am not what happened to me, and tomorrow is never guaranteed. Life is a gift, and it’s our birthright to be here.
TLDR: don’t give up, don’t be afraid of taking up space & remember, you are worthy of all the things you desire. Life is a wild ride, enjoy it. xx
Mantra: I love myself. I love my mind. I love my body.