Stop Asian Hate
Image Description: A bundle of scallions sitting in a jar beside a bag of rice, with white text highlighted in black that reads “#StopAsianHate” overlaid in the center of the image. 2021.
Despite being an English-speaking first-generation Canadian, I’ve experienced a lot of #racism and racial microaggressions in my life. Growing up in predominantly white cities made me feel embarrassed and ashamed for being Asian. I stood out amongst my peers which garnered negative attention for something I couldn’t help—my race and ethnicity. I’d get teased endlessly with stereotypical jokes and bc I felt inferior at that time, all I knew to do was to assimilate and laugh it off. I spent a lot of my youth trying to blend in, hoping to lessen the ridicule.
I will never forget when I first moved to Barrie, Ontario and I was thirteen years old; a couple of white girls welcomed me (unprovoked I should add) by doodling me in a grave, alongside a tombstone that read, “R.I.P. she choked on rice”, and a nearby speech bubble that said, “die b*tch!”. This particular experience stuck with me; it showed me very early on that racism can manifest in violent ways. There’s no denying it had malicious intent behind it, which I can only assume was learned behaviour. Barrie was also a city where I first learned the word, “chink”.
Today, more than ever I am extremely proud to be Asian, and it hurts to learn more each day that hate towards my people is increasing tenfold. We can always do better and be better, people. Let’s rise above this. #StopAsianHate #StandForAsians #RespectYourElders