Rest in Power
Image Description: A black and whtie photo of activist Judy Heumann speaking into a microphone at a protest as seen in the award winning documentary ‘Crip Camp’ on Netflix.
“ We will no longer allow the government to oppress disabled individuals. We want the law enforced. We want no more segregation.”
Activist Judy Heumann led the fight for disability rights; a true queen, trailblazer, and icon to remember forever.
Dec. 18, 1947 - March 4, 2023
Rest in Power.
P.S. If you haven’t seen this powerful documentary, ‘Crip Camp: A Disability Revolution’, you’re doing Judy and other disabled activists a huge disservice.
Image Description: The title cover for ‘Crip Camp’ featured on Netflix.
Thank you to everyone who paved the way before us and fought so hard to make the world a more accessible place for people with disabilities to exist in. I highly, highly recommend it as an absolute must-watch for disabled people and their allies; everyone needs to witness the incredible change made in US history. We are forever grateful.
Watch the full movie here on Youtube.