Happy IDPD 2022
Image Description: Full body shot of Kae holding her cane. She is posing against a blank white wall. She wears a black cropped tank top and high-waisted black baggy cargo-like pants. She also is wearing a black Apple watch. The image is overlaid a textured graphic background as the border. The Persons with Disabilities acronym “PWD” and Limb Girdle Muscular Dystrophy acronym “LGMD” text overlaid the portrait. Self-portrait was taken in November 2022.
Today is the official calendar day for International Day Of Persons with Disabilities (IDPD) promoted by the UN since ’92. It’s a day to celebrate, recognize, and raise awareness for the 15% of the world's population living with a #disability—a.k.a. the largest minority group that any of us can become a member of at any time.
I often emphasize the last part when sharing my story because while my disease is incredibly unique and rare, I know my journey to becoming disabled, accepting disability, and navigating life with one is not.
The reality is no one is safe from experiencing disability; it’s a natural part of life. We can’t control what happens to us but we can control how we show up and support each other. We need to reframe our perception of people with disabilities, and the word itself is not a bad word—something I wish I knew sooner.
I’m grateful to have finally found the strength to speak up for myself and for others in a world that was made to exclude us. Self-advocating started off as a necessity but it’s become my purpose. I will always use my platform to educate, advocate, and celebrate us. Being disabled has taught me so much about myself and the world, and it’s given me an amazing community; I’ve never been more proud to identify as disabled.
We have a long way to go but let’s keep having the important conversations beyond today. I won’t rest until people with disabilities can live with dignity in a barrier-free world and have access to equal rights. ♥️
Happy #IDPD!
x k
Also, Apple released this amazing ad for IDPD. No inspiration porn or sob story. Simply just humans with disabilities living their lives empowered through technology. Watch below: