Self Love
Image Description: Self-portrait of Kae, posing in her living room, holding herself closely while wearing a sheer black bralette and pair of baggy blue jeans.
Lately, I’ve been reflecting a lot on my relationship with my body and self-image. In the present moment, I’m so proud and grateful it moves me in whatever way it still can but in the past, I disassociated and I’m only realizing it now. Moving and living in a body that no longer feels like mine is a helluva journey; I’m always having to relearn how to love myself with every noticeable change in ability because MD is progressive. Moreover, I’m still learning how to undo the damage of ableism, racism, neglect, and shame I had carried deep inside me all these years.
Lots to unpack here but I’m very excited to get reacquainted with me again. The real me. I want to feel alive in my skin. I want to be unapologetic. I want to rewrite the narrative I used to tell myself; more celebration and less comparison. This body is my forever home and it is valuable no matter what state it’s in. Self-acceptance has a healing ripple effect, and through thick and thin, I’ll continue to show up for as long as I can—for me, for you, for all of us.
P.s. I took advantage of the sun yesterday and took these self-portraits. Don’t underestimate the power of wearing a good undergarment to make you feel some type of way—idk how it works but it works. It's the little things. 😌