Happy International Day of Persons with Disabilities (IDPD)
Image Description: Me marvelling at how small we are on this planet, somewhere in the middle a garden in BC, circa 2018.
Today is International Day of Persons with Disabilities! I used to believe my condition was my weakness, my deeply human flaw but it has ultimately been my greatest strength and teacher. It doesn’t define me but it is a part of my identity/journey. Since I’ve surrendered and stopped internalizing #ableism, I have been met with such wonderful opportunities and connections I never thought possible. I let life happen. I radically shifted and stepped into my power; life flowed with ease. I now embrace everything that I am and can be, and I’ve never felt more liberated…more alive. Being a part of this community means so much to me. Be unapologetically yourself, no matter your ability. Acknowledge every inch of your being because there is only one of you in this lifetime—and be kind to yourself. Be ever so kind and gentle with yourself. You are loved, deserving, and valued. And the word “disabled” is not a word we should fear or let hold us back from living.
To my able-bodied friends, it’s important to note that we are no different than you. We have dreams. We have goals. We have needs. We have wants. We have sexual desires. We have feelings. We have personalities. We have rights. We are human, too. Be our ally. Celebrate not just today but every day. Life is precious. Cheers to more compassion, love, and kindness, always. xx