
Write it down

For whatever reason, I don't write nearly as much as I used to. Although my notebooks lay untouched, I hadn't really noticed I stopped. I mentioned this to someone and they said, "Maybe you don't write anymore because you don't need to."

*Long pause*


Those words couldn't be more true.

I'd like to start writing again; for a different reason this time - self-expression. I'm going to start a collection of screenshot moments that catch my attention or have impacted me, (bless the CMD+Shift+3 buttons, amirite?). Below is a powerful exchange between Nick Carraway and Dr. Walter Perkins in The Great Gatsby. Enjoy!  

I screencapped this at this exact moment they exchanged dialogue.

I screencapped this at this exact moment they exchanged dialogue.

Nick Carraway: I don’t want to talk about this Doctor.

Dr Walter Perkins: Then write about it.

NC: Write about it?

WP: Yes.

NC: Why would I do that?

WP: You said yourself writing brought you solace.

NC: Yeah, well, it didn’t bring anyone else much solace and I wasn’t any good.

WP: No one need ever read it. You could always burn it.

NC: What would I write about?

WP: Anything. Whatever brings you ease. A memory, a thought, a place. Write it down.

Kae Comment
Dance yourself clean

This is an #ArtistAppreciationPost on cinematographer Marc Gomez Del Moral. He is the genius behind this catchy yet fittingly bizarre music video - an absolute pleasure to watch. I should mention it's NSFW. Enjoy! 
